Currency Exchange

If you are buying a property in the USA, it is very likely that at some stage you will need to convert funds into US Dollars. Currency exchange is often overlooked and left until the last minute, which could seriously damage your cash flow. However, plan in advance and you could literally save thousands of dollars. You should register with a currency exchange company as soon as possible. This will allow you to act quickly when exchange rates are favorable. We would advise that once you have found a property you want to buy, your forward book your exchange rate. 

We have partnered with OFX to help make international payments easier faster and at better exchange rates.

OFX Offers:

  • Exclusive discounted rate
  • Free Access to 24/7 OFXpert live support
  • Risk management solutions to help protect your bottom line from market volatility

You can also reach out direct to OFXpert Emma Morrissey, Senior Client Manager at for a free consultation.